May 2024 Newsletter
Submitted by Barton Advisory Services, LLC on May 14th, 2024In some of these monthly newsletters, we get philosophical. We talk about what matters most in life. We discuss how our financial planning is hopefully setup to serve our most important hopes and dreams. Those iterations are perhaps best read at sunrise while clasping a warm beverage with both hands.
This month is nothing like that. This month is about taking some action. So please sit up a little straighter and stop relaxing. We are going to look at possibly the most consistent risk to your finances, one that is never ever going away.
This month we must discuss cybercrime and identity theft.Some of you are now tempted to skip this, thinking “oh I have an IT department /consultant. That’s their job.” Stop it. Stop it right now. Those things just mentioned are important.
What’s a thousand times more important are the human errors weare all liable to make.It’s estimated that 95% of cybercrime starts with human error.
Major institutions, with the most impressively secure systems, are not brought down by a strange looking computer hacker like you see in a movie. They are brought down by their own internal people clicking a fraudulent link or giving out sensitive info to a criminal. It’s human error that allows cybercrime to thrive.